Image Editor. (Project)

This project was collaboratively developed by a team, which includes myself as a contributing member. The primary technology employed for its implementation is Java, while the user interface (UI) has been built using the Java Swing framework. The project's overarching objective centers on facilitating image editing and pixel art creation. It encompasses a wide range of features, ranging from fundamental tools and shapes to more advanced functionalities, such as an extensive color palette, various blur algorithms, and a diverse selection of effects. The decision to utilize Java as the core technology is founded on its robustness, platform independence, and extensive libraries, which make it well-suited for creating diverse and feature-rich applications. By leveraging the Java Swing framework for UI development, the project achieves a seamless and intuitive user experience, enhancing the accessibility and usability of the image editing and pixel art creation tools.



Tech Used

  • Java
  • Swing Framework

© Mizab Ansari. All Rights Reserved.

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